
The Bridge between Traditional Industry and Web3


AUDCO is a decentralized economy ecosystem based on Web 3.0 and the world’s first comprehensive blockchain project that is organically combined with blockchain, real industry, and traffic economy. Relying on its extensive business experience and complete investment system, AUDCO will better empower and upgrade various business entities through blockchain technology.

It is dedicated to building the world's first economy blockchain and becoming a bridge between traditional industries and Web3.

How to Participate

Minters play an important role in the AUDCO ecosystem. By participating in the M2E protocol, minters can contribute to the long-term stability and development of the AUDCO ecosystem. In exchange, minters receive substantial and long-term rewards through excess leverage.

Users can stake LP tokens (liquidity pool token) to support AUDCO and earn tokens.

New Organization

AUDCO aims to provide community a co-construction, co-governance, co-sharing, transparently Web3 economy ecosystem through a decentralized governance solution.


Enter the gateway to the world of blockchain data and access information on M2E, transactions, accounts, and other AUDCO blockchain-related data.


A one-stop guide to economy ecosystem and Web3. Get comprehensive insights into decentralized business networks, Web3, DAOs, mining, and more to meet the market's knowledge needs.

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1、 What is AUDCO’s positioning?
Commercial type of Ethereum.
2、 What is AUDCO’s Vision?
AUDCO is dedicated to building the world's first economy blockchain and becoming a bridge between traditional industries and Web3.
3、 What are the AUDCO's five core strengths?
a) Blockchain Technology, b) Consensus Mechanism, c) Global Community, d) Web3 Application, e) Diversified Ecosystem.
4、 What is AUDCO?
AUDCO is AUDCO's blockchain token, with an initial supply of 100 million on BNB Chain. The actual circulating supply will be issued and cross chain supported after AUDCO Mainnet is launched.
5、 How to participate in AUDCO?

1) User can connect with AUDCO and participate in M2E, mint to earn AUDCO tokens, and accelerate the output by sharing and build up communities.

2) Institution or enterprise can enter Web3 through AUDCO, get huge traffic exposure on AUDCO, and get business consultation, technical support, branding support, IDO, community support, etc.